EMPTINESS AT HEART: interventions in the art of asia exhibition

International Shakuhachi Festival Prague (ISFP) in cooperation with The National Gallery in Prague,presents artefacts linked with traditional Japanese music and the playing of the shakuhachi flute at its permanent exhibition in the Kinský Palace. Examples of various types of shakuhachi flutes and their X-rays graced exhibition halls featuring Japanese painting and prints. In addition to […]

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International Shakuhachi Festival Prague vol. 10 took place between 2. – 6. 6. 2016. Venues such as HAMU, The New Stage ND, Palác Kinských, Kino 64 U Hradeb, Ponrepo and Zázemí hosted international shakuhachi stars. The main event of the festival was a concert of the exceptional BERG orchestra. Another highlight was a concert of […]

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