NEIRO Association for Expanding Arts organizes international festivals, concerts by exceptional artists, workshops, and lectures led by international creators, at affordable prices. It is only thanks to our generous supporters, donors, and partners that we are able to bring together so much talent, expertise, and passion.
Your donation will help us continue and improve our ongoing work. It will also help lower-income members of our community attend the events that we organize.
Do you want to support our activities?
Please contact us!
We try to spread the love and understanding of Japanese music and instruments (shakuhachi, koto). Contributing supplies such as practice instruments, learning materials, publications, etc., will be appreciated by all the eager and curious people who attend our activities.
Please contact us!
For monitary gifts please use our Bank account:
NEIRO Association for Expanding Arts, z. s.
Address: Holandská 1050/48,
Vršovice, 101 00 Praha 10
Czech tax ID IČO:04800061
Interational tax ID DIČ: CZ04800061
Registerted at Czech Court: L 64700 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze
Bank account number CZ: 219832469/0600
International banking details
IBAN: CZ11 0600 0000 0002 1983 2469
B Centrum, Vyskočilova 1422/1a
140 28 Praha 4 – Michle
Czech Republic